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Therapy For Parenting & CO-Parenting

Parenting is a tough job, especially in a culture where people are often isolated in their parenting experiences. Sometimes, it is hard to keep in mind that parents are only human and of course will make mistakes. As such, many parents suffer from shame or worry revolving around parental inadequacy. Counseling for parents is a supportive service aimed at helping parents shoulder the responsibility of raising children.

How Can Therapy Benefit Parents?

As a mother of two, I fully understand the challenges and concerns that parents face daily. On top of being responsible for another human’s development and care, parents need to balance work, finances, and other duties. Altogether, it can be downright overwhelming. Through therapy, I seek to validate the pressures that parents face today and provide caring support.

Parental counseling helps you:

  • Feel genuinely validated
  • Have the space and freedom to explore different parenting styles and skills
  • Build a toolbox of coping skills
  • Learn self-care strategies
  • Develop organizational and management skills

Therapy is a fantastic opportunity for parents to better themselves in a way that benefits their children. Furthermore, therapy sessions provide a dedicated space and time for you to focus on your needs as an individual and as a parent.

The Importance of Self-Care

With so many tasks and responsibilities to balance, parents often struggle to find time for themselves. Thus, self-care is an increasingly essential aspect of parenting. Without taking care of their own needs first, parents cannot put forth their best efforts in showing up for their kids. Moreover, without eating properly, getting enough sleep, or taking care of their mental state, parents are more prone to being punitive or impatient. By taking care of themselves, parents are able to maximize their presence in their children’s lives.


Co-parenting comes with additional challenges that can threaten collaboration between parental figures. Despite mutually wanting the best for their children, individuals may have diverging ideas regarding parental styles and choices. However, discordant parenting can be harmful to children and their development. As a Certified Mediator with a background in divorce mediation I am uniquely qualified to help separated parents communicate and work through differences to ensure that shared children are supported and cared for.

Contact me today for your free consultation.

I can help you attain the personal growth you truly desire.


“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

-David Richo