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Therapy for Couples

Every relationship is comprised of distinct individuals who have their own unique thoughts and behaviors. No matter how compatible you are, you will not always agree or be able to easily compromise. Disagreements about sensitive topics or crucial decisions can put tremendous stress on the relationship. Sometimes, the best course of action is to seek outside help in the form of couples therapy.

Who Can Benefit From Couples Therapy?

As much as we like to romanticize relationships, the reality is that they require maintenance and effort. Dealing with our own issues is challenging enough—it is no surprise that adding the intricacies of another person complicates matters further. When discordance becomes overwhelming, couples therapy can be useful for initiating productive, solution-based discussion.

Signs that your relationship may benefit from couples therapy:

  • Difficulties seeing, feeling, or managing stressors together.
  • Fighting often or arguing excessively.
  • Feeling isolated in the context of a relationship, problems with intimacy.
  • Increase in stressors, such as new financial challenges or raising children.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, uneasy, or like something has to change.

Whether you are looking to repair a damaged bond or enact preventative measures, couples therapy is a fantastic way to nourish a relationship.

How Can Therapy Help Our Relationship?

Couples therapy enables people in relationships to grow as individuals and in partnership. Together, you will learn to identify your needs and how to communicate them to one another. Relationships require give and take; therapy can teach you how to validate your partner’s needs without compromising your own.

Many people do not realize that they can still feel lonely while in a relationship. Couples tend to go through phases of feeling more or less connected to one another. Through therapy, you can learn how to notice when you’re feeling more disconnected and take care of yourself, using learned coping strategies.

As a Certified Mediator, I excel at providing a safe space for couples to come together and engage in effective communication. In heated moments, I enforce boundaries and retain an environment where all parties can feel heard, supported and validated.

Therapy For Non-Couples

Parenting and co-parenting are among my specialties. My background as a divorce mediator makes me particularly qualified to provide informed support for people considering separation or divorce or who are struggling with divorce-related issues. I also offer impartial assistance for those in non-romantic relationships looking to improve their communication and collaboration skills.

Contact me today for your free consultation.

I can help you attain the personal growth you truly desire.


“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

-David Richo