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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a skills-focused therapy designed to help individuals build a life worth living. As a DBT Intensive Trained therapist, I work from an integrated model that utilizes DBT whenever it appears beneficial. DBT was originally devised as a treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and chronic suicidal ideation, however it is empirically validated and widely applied to treat many conditions.

Who Can DBT Help?

DBT is most useful for people who struggle with emotional regulation or who have a tendency toward black and white thinking.

It is often used for treating the following conditions:

  • Substance abuse
  • Impulsivity
  • Self-harm behaviors
  • BPD
  • Multiple diagnoses

While many of my clients are referred to me for DBT-specific treatment, I have also found it useful in many non-referred cases. It has a wide range of practical applications and the capability to improve the lives of individuals with or without diagnoses.

How Does DBT Work?

The primary focus of DBT is to figure out how to ensure that your needs are met in every aspect of your life. Treatment features a multi-stage process in which clients will be exposed to four life-enhancing umbrella skills:

  1. Distress tolerance
  2. Emotional regulation
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Interpersonal effectiveness

Throughout therapy, you will be provided with numerous tools to keep in your figurative “toolbox,” which you can use to manage different situations you find yourself in.

Some of the potential benefits of DBT:

  • Improved emotional regulation
  • Increased tolerance for stress and negative emotions
  • Learn to be more present in the moment
  • Communicate and interact with others more effectively

As a certified DBT specialist, I know the protocols inside and out and can provide you with direct support for matching skills to situations. I am well-versed in all areas of DBT skill work and will expertly guide you in skill-based learning and making new behavioral choices.

Contact me today for your free consultation.

I can help you attain the personal growth you truly desire.


“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

-David Richo