Call to schedule a free 20-min consultation: 510-469-1313


Historically, members of marginalized groups often struggle to find an accepted place in society. Though we have certainly come a long way, the LGBTQIA+ community still faces unique challenges and copious adversity, resulting in increased rates of trauma, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. When dealing with these issues, it is essential to address them from an LGBTQIA+ perspective and support model.

LGBTQIA+ Informed Therapy

As a long time ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, I am honored to be in the position where I can provide a safe space for people to explore themselves and feel confident in the face of traditional constructs. One of the reasons why I choose to live in Oakland is that the culture encourages openness and acceptance.

I have worked extensively with members of the LGBTQIA+ community and feel quite comfortable helping with issues such as the exploration of sexual orientation and identity development. In particular I have experience and a love for working with members of the trans and gender nonconforming communities, who are navigating transitions toward more authentic identities and lives.

I also find it important to acknowledge that perhaps as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community you are not seeking out therapy in regards to concerns that are related to that particular aspect of your identity. As with all of my clients I am curious to learn about how you define and conceptualize yourself as a human instead of making assumptions about what is meaningful to you.

Therapy encourages self-discovery and connection with our whole selves. I am so moved by the resilience demonstrated by members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and find it beautiful to walk alongside them on their journeys.

Contact me today for your free consultation.

I can help you attain the personal growth you truly desire.


“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

-David Richo